Voices from the Forum
What Was Discussed?
3rd Forum
Facilitator: Hiroshi Kainuma, Associate Professor, Kinugasa Research Organization, Ritsumeikan University Presented the current status of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS decommissioning and points of contention that have emerged since the 2nd Forum All attendees joined in discussion workshops. Opinions and ideas were exchanged on feelings about the decommissioning process, hopes for the decommissioning process, and what individuals can do. -
Panelists from the local community posed questions to officials in charge of the Fukushima Daiichi decommissioning process. The questions were based on concerns that emerged from the Voices From Fukushima project and the morning’s Discussion Session. Decommissioning officials provided detailed and exhaustive explanations until the attendees and the panelists from the local community were satisfied with the explanations.
Graphic Recordings
The 3rd Forum’s Day 1 afternoon session made use of graphic recordings in place of an ordinary record of minutes. The graphic recordings illustrated the decommissioning process with pictures and speech balloons. After the session, the graphic recordings were posted on the gymnasium walls. Attendees were free to place six types of stickers — Still Apprehensive, Not Satisfied, Unclear, Want to Know More, Want to Discuss Further, and Fully Understood — next to the various pictures.